Message from the Resident Coordinator

Welcome to the 2023 UN Zambia Annual Results Report. This report presents some key results of the implementation of the 2023-2027 Zambia-United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) also known as the Cooperation Framework. We continued to embrace the UN Reform and sought to focus on results and less on processes.

Beatrice M. Mutali, Resident Coordinator of the UN System In Zambia.
© UN Zambia 2024
Beatrice M. Mutali, Resident Coordinator of the UN System In Zambia.

The UN in Zambia has through its 23 Resident and Non-Resident Agencies, Funds and Programmes been supporting various interventions through the four pillars of our Cooperation Framework namely Prosperity, People, Peace and Planet. In doing so, we have fully embraced Partnerships as an enabler that aids the means of implementation, including resource mobilization.

In completing 2023 as the first year of our new cycle, we made considerable progress amid certain challenges. We learnt key lessons and came out even stronger to push for an even more impactful 2024. Our successes were made possible through the strong partnerships with the Government,
Civil Society, Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, among other groups with the generous support of our donors and cooperating partners.

Hand in hand with the Government, we recorded achievements in health, agriculture, climate change, gender equality, youth empowerment and other key areas. Working together and delivering as one UN family, we leveraged the strengths of each agency while also working together through joint programmes and collaborations.

As we get into 2024, we aim to build on where we scored high and deliver even better results in support of Zambia’s priorities. The UN in Zambia, together with its Partners, proved that together we can achieve much.